Donate for E Waste
Donate this waste to us for recycling to protect the environment directly and indirectly.
Eco age Recycling Company with its experienced team members wants to encourage all the citizens of the society to become health conscious directly and indirectly to create a green world by destroying and recycling waste materials in a sustainable and eco-friendly way. For that, we have run various campaigns to make common people aware of the environment. Our expert staff will conduct environmental awareness campaigns to create a green and clean environment.
India is a populous agricultural and industrial country. Where previously people were not so aware of the proper recycling of e-waste. Currently, the government has enacted laws specifically for the disposal of e-waste, and awareness messages are being sent to people at all levels about the necessity of a green and clean world. Eco age Recycling Company continues this philanthropic recycling work through their endless efforts.
As the fastest growing e-wast management company, we have come up with the appeal that many times the unused e-waste from home or office is unnecessarily polluting the environment. One way to save the environment from all this waste is recycling. We have started the work of collecting all these wastes as per the government's instructions. Our appeal to private and company owners is to donate these wastes to us, we will recycle them in an environmentally friendly way and make them reusable.
Our company wants to protect the environment as well as protect society. Environment and well-educated society are the building blocks of a country. That is why we have taken a new vow. That is, after recycling, we will donate all the money that our company earns by selling the recyclable materials to the charitable trust and all the documents along with the proof will be given to the waste owners.
You can also partner with us indirectly to improve the environment and society. So contact us in detail about this.