What is e waste?

E-waste or electronic waste refers to unused electrical or electronic devices that are obsolete in our daily life. Electronic materials that lose their functionality after our long use and their service life is over or old parts are being used up for new technology devices. These unused parts are brought under e-waste. With the advancement of technology, the amount of e-waste is increasing and these screens are largely responsible for disrupting the balance in our environment. That is why according to the e-Waste Management Rules (2016) laws have been laid down for scrap recycling to dispose of these waste materials. According to this Act, Eco age Recycling collects waste from every producer/producer and makes it reusable.

composition and component

Classification of E-waste

Why recycle e waste?

Along with using new electronic devices, it is very important to properly dispose of our old unused electronic devices. The toxic chemicals contained in electronic devices pollute the soil, groundwater as well as air if they end up in landfills. Therefore, recycling old devices can save cost, save energy as well as protect the environment from pollution to a large extent. Recycling old devices such as copper and aluminum, gold reduces the cost and requires fewer raw materials to make new devices. Eco age Recycling through its experienced staff makes e-waste suitable for reuse using state-of-the-art methods.