Recycling and Certification
Eco age Recycling is a company that collects e-waste from individuals and companies for recycling in a modern way.
We collect electronic and electrical waste from various companies, individuals, and bulk consumers. Instead of dumping your scrap materials in landfills, come to us for recycling. All these toxic chemicals pollute the environment by leaching into the soil and the water or air. Environmental pollution has extremely harmful effects on human and animal health and makes life miserable.
We provide certificates to our corporate clients for e-waste recycling. Issuance of this certificate demonstrates that the company is committed to e-waste donation, recycling, and disposal efforts. This certificate is an auditable document through which the e-waste recycling company remains free from the scrutiny of other companies. By issuing this certificate, e-waste generators demonstrate that they recycle and dispose of their electronic and electrical waste in a highly efficient manner through an e-waste management company.